
We now have Jenkins ( building master and all PRs. This
is awesome, but I think we could do a bit more.

How do you all feel about moving to Travis-CI? It seems like it'll give us
more functionality than Jenkins, many other Apache projects use it, and
it'll be more reliable than However, it'll require a
special request to INFRA.

Specially, the purpose of moving to Travis-CI would be to gain more
information about our code base, it's "health", and how PRs coming in may
effect it. I think Travis-CI has a couple of key features:

- Travis-CI builds all branches and PRs, and maintains all of the history
(no artifacts) for those builds. Right now Jenkins will only retain the
last few builds across all builds. This is kinda annoying if you want to
investigate why an older PR failed.

- Travis-CI integrates with other tools (eg that will allow
us to track and explore other facets of our code (coveralls does code
coverage). It seems like Apache supports coveralls, but there are other
integrations (eg coverity scan) that might be useful as well.

- Travis-CI provides a nice dashboard for looking at the build history for
the project.

What do you all think? I'm new to Travis-CI and many of these other tools,
so if someone else has more experience, please chime in.


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