Hey all,

This is a call for a vote on a release of Apache Samza 0.9.1. This is a
bug-fix release against 0.9.0.

The release candidate can be downloaded from here:


The release candidate is signed with pgp key 911402D8, which is
included in the repository's KEYS file:


and can also be found on keyservers:


The git tag is release-0.9.1-rc0 and signed with the same pgp key:


Test binaries have been published to Maven's staging repository, and are
available here:

5 critical bugs were resolved for this release:


The vote will be open for 72 hours ( end in 6:00pm Saturday, 06/20/2015 ).
Please download the release candidate, check the hashes/signature, build it
and test it, and then please vote:

[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)

-- Guozhang

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