Another pointer is to run the job with DEBUG level turned on and share the
logs with us.

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Jagadish Venkatraman <
> wrote:

> Hey Jason,
> Can you share the entire container log? It will be useful to find out what
> went wrong.
> If this is a non-yarn, it will be also useful if you share the JobRunner
> logs.
> Thanks,
> Jagadish
> On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 4:33 PM, Jason Erickson <>
> wrote:
>> Is the Kafka producer configuration different than the Samza configuration
>> of the Samza task that references the store? If not, here is are those
>> configuration values.  The changelog in question is
>> resourceStore-changelog.
>> # Job
>> job.factory.class=org.apache.samza.job.local.ThreadJobFactory
>> job.coordinator.system=kafka
>> # Task
>> task.checkpoint.factory=org.apache.samza.checkpoint.kafka.KafkaCheckpointManagerFactory
>> task.checkpoint.system=kafka
>> # Normally, this would be 3, but we have only one broker.
>> task.checkpoint.replication.factor=3
>> task.checkpoint.skip-migration=true
>> # Serializers
>> serializers.registry.byte.class=org.apache.samza.serializers.ByteSerdeFactory
>> serializers.registry.string.class=org.apache.samza.serializers.StringSerdeFactory
>> serializers.registry.metrics.class=org.apache.samza.serializers.MetricsSnapshotSerdeFactory
>> # Systems
>> systems.kafka.samza.factory=org.apache.samza.system.kafka.KafkaSystemFactory
>> systems.kafka.samza.msg.serde=byte
>> systems.kafka.samza.offset.default=oldest
>> systems.kafka.consumer.zookeeper.connect=${ZK_NODES}/${ZK_ROOT}
>> systems.kafka.producer.bootstrap.servers=${KAFKA_NODES}
>> systems.kafka.producer.max.request.size=52428800
>> systems.kafka.streams.metrics.samza.msg.serde=metrics
>> # Metrics
>> metrics.reporter.snapshot.class=org.apache.samza.metrics.reporter.MetricsSnapshotReporterFactor
>> metrics.reporter.jmx.class=org.apache.samza.metrics.reporter.JmxReporterFactory
>> metrics.reporters=snapshot,jmx
>> # Stores
>> stores.resourceStore.changelog=kafka.resourceStore-changelog
>> stores.resourceStore.changelog.replication.factor=3
>> stores.resourceStore.key.serde=string
>> stores.resourceStore.msg.serde=entity
>> stores.deletedFlagStore.changelog=kafka.deletedFlagStore-changelog
>> stores.deletedFlagStore.changelog.replication.factor=3
>> stores.deletedFlagStore.key.serde=string
>> stores.deletedFlagStore.msg.serde=int
>> We do not get a stack trace from the Samza task itself, it just never
>> seems
>> to fully start.  However if we use kafka-console-consumer to try to
>> examine
>> the changelog we get this:
>> 2016-02-02 22:10:11,252] ERROR Error processing message, terminating
>> consumer process:  ($)
>> kafka.common.MessageSizeTooLargeException: Found a message larger than the
>> maximum fetch size of this consumer on topic resourceStore-changelog
>> partition 7 at fetch offset 0. Increase the fetch size, or decrease the
>> maximum message size the broker will allow.
>> at kafka.consumer.ConsumerIterator.makeNext(ConsumerIterator.scala:90)
>> at kafka.consumer.ConsumerIterator.makeNext(ConsumerIterator.scala:33)
>> at
>> kafka.utils.IteratorTemplate.maybeComputeNext(IteratorTemplate.scala:66)
>> at kafka.utils.IteratorTemplate.hasNext(IteratorTemplate.scala:58)
>> at kafka.consumer.OldConsumer.receive(BaseConsumer.scala:79)
>> at$.process(ConsoleConsumer.scala:110)
>> at$.run(ConsoleConsumer.scala:69)
>> at$.main(ConsoleConsumer.scala:47)
>> at
>> On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Ramesh Bhojan <>
>> wrote:
>> > Jason,
>> > Can we please share more information about the exact stack trace and the
>> > job configuration, especially the Kafka producer configuration for the
>> > changelog system, as requested by Yi Pan?
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Ramesh
>> >
>> > On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Ramesh Bhojan <
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Dear team @ Samza,
>> >> I would really appreciate some help with the following question posted
>> in
>> >> Stack Overflow :
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >> Ramesh
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Jason Erickson
> --
> Jagadish V,
> Graduate Student,
> Department of Computer Science,
> Stanford University

Jagadish V,
Graduate Student,
Department of Computer Science,
Stanford University

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