These all look like excellent changes to me, I'd be happy to have more
stability in Standalone!
Any timeline on getting Kafka 0.11 upgrade in? It seems to have been
done a while, but waiting for 0.15 I presume.


On Mon, Apr 30, 2018, at 3:10 PM, Xinyu Liu wrote:
> Hi, All,
> We have been adding many improvements and critical bug fixes in
> the areas> of Samza sql, standalone, eventhub system consumer and host-
> affinity since> 0.14.0 release. The changes should warrant a new minor 
> release:
> - SAMZA-1681: Samza-sql: Add support for handling older record schema> 
> versions in AvroRelConverter
> - SAMZA-1671: SamzaSQL: add insert into table support
> - SAMZA-1651: Samza-sql: Implement GROUP BY SQL operator
> Standalone
> - SAMZA-1689: Add validations before state transitions in
> ZkBarrierForVersionUpgrade.
> - SAMZA-1686: Set finite operation timeout when creating zkClient.
> - SAMZA-1667: Skip storing configuration as a part of JobModel in
>   zookeeper> data nodes.
> - SAMZA-1647: Fix NPE in JobModelExpired event handler.
> Eventhub
> - SAMZA-1688: use per partition eventhubs client
> - SAMZA-1676: miscellaneous fix and improvement for eventhubs system
> - SAMZA-1656: EventHubSystemAdmin does not fetch metadata for valid
>   streams.> 
> host-affinity
> - SAMZA-1687: Prioritize preferred host requests over ANY-HOST
>   requests> - SAMZA-1649: Improve host-aware allocation to account for strict
>   locality> 
> The complete list of changes are here:
>  Most JIRAs in the list have been completed and merged, and we
> willl try to> get the remaining completed before 0.14.1 release.
> Here's what I propose:
> - Cut the 0.14.1 release branch
> - Target a release sometime next week (5/7 - 5/11).
> Thoughts?
> Xinyu

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