Hello devs,

I've got a warning showing up in the logs while testing our new Confluent Cloud 
config.  Can anyone tell me how concerned I should be about this warning? Is 
there a setting to control timeouts?

Also, logs stop at that point, so I can't tell if the "metatdata update" was 

2020-03-04 21:17:51 Sender [WARN] [Producer 
clientId=kafka_producer-application_submission-1] Got error produce response 
with correlation id 144 on topic-partition 
__samza_checkpoint_ver_1_for_application-submission_1-0, retrying 
(2147483646<tel:2147483646> attempts left). Error: NETWORK_EXCEPTION
2020-03-04 21:17:51 Sender [WARN] [Producer 
clientId=kafka_producer-application_submission-1] Received invalid metadata 
error in produce request on partition 
__samza_checkpoint_ver_1_for_application-submission_1-0 due to 
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NetworkException: The server disconnected before 
a response was received.. Going to request metadata update now

Jeremiah Adams
Software Engineer
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