
I found recently some important information regarding the R-integration into various other programs. I will update later the stat wiki page, too.

I will describe 2 important programs: one for MS Windows [R(D)COM / rcom] and one for Linux/Unix (rkward, see http://sourceforge.net/projects/rkward/). The new architecture of OOo based on OXT extensions/plugins should ease this.

*Tutorial: Embedding R in Applications on Windows
*(see http://www.r-project.org/user-2006/Tutorials/Baier+Neuwirth.html and the R package 'rcom', http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Descriptions/rcom.html)

presented by Thomas Baier and Erich Neuwirth

The add-on package R(D)COM and the library rcom make R accessible in the MS Windows client server COM and DCOM architecture. This technology allows to embed R into windows applications or use MS Windows applications as extensions to R. It can be used either in a way making R visible to the users or completely hiding it, using it as a statistical method library for other applications. It has been used to create software environments for learning statistics, and, as a side effect, learning R by embedding it in standard software like MS Excel. It also has been used to make advanced statistical methods implemented as R libraries accessible in research software in areas as diverse as biostatistics and in cartography.

The tutorial will present the underlying technology, some examples, and will help participants to acquire the skills needed to develop this kind of integrated applications. Finally, we will also discuss the compatibility of this interface with some other extensions of R not implemented strictly as R libraries.
Prof Neuwirth teaches statistics at the University of Vienna (see http://homepage.univie.ac.at/erich.neuwirth/intro.htm). As I speak German, I could contact him, if there are any questions regarding the implementation of rcom. I noticed that he also maintains a site sponsored by Sun (http://sunsite.univie.ac.at/), so I believe he would be kind to help, if we would have any questions.

*Embedding R under Unix
*(see http://sourceforge.net/projects/rkward/)

The project rkward on Sourceforge.net aims at doing exactly this. See the documentation on the project page.

I hope that having these examples, will help to write an extension for OOo Calc and finally embed R.

Many thanks,

Leonard Mada

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