Hi Kohei,

On Tuesday, 2007-06-05 14:46:55 -0400, Kohei Yoshida wrote:

> > With such changes, don't forget the file format. Filter settings are 
> > saved, and we have to adhere to the specification about how they are stored.
> Adding extra bits into the file format itself shouldn't be too hard.

It's not a question of being hard or not. It's a question of time. If
the change isn't proposed to the OASIS TC very soon within the next 2-3
weeks it may not make it into the next ODF version scheduled for fall
this year. As OOo can't implement file format changes before they are
standardized this would mean that implementation would have to wait for
the next ODF version then. There currently is no schedule, but most
certainly the then next ODF version will not come before the end of next

> OTOH, I'm not sure about adhering to the specification part.  I just
> checked the ODF specification v1.1 section 8.7.4 entitled "Filter
> Condition", but it doesn't specify how such multi-string values should
> be stored.

You have to extend ODF, just storing a new setting enumeration probably
isn't enough, you also want to somehow store the multi-strings.

> I hope we will not have to extend the ODF itself to get this enhancement
> in.  Given how many years (2 years so far) I've been waiting for the
> very old natural sort patch[1] to make it in,

Actually that's "only" 1 year for the file format now, since May 2006.

> I'm not very enthusiastic
> about bringing a change request to the ODF spec.

Well, that's the the draw-back of using a fully standardized file

Btw, I suggest you become a member of the OASIS ODF TC, to have more
Calc eyes and hands on it ;-)


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