Hi gaozm,

On Wednesday, 2007-08-15 14:08:12 +0800, gaozm wrote:

>    2. Input characters into any column,for example between a1 and a21 input 
> figures from 1 to 21
>    3.Select the whole column a1,data->filter->standard 
> filter,condition->smallest %; value->10; ok
>     Result: It will show 3 rows.
>     Somebody hopes it should show 2 rows.

2 values could be expected there..

>     I want to know whether it is a bug and whether it is necessary to fix.I 
> hope you give me some advices.Thank you!

Please check if an issue already exists for this and create one if it
doesn't. Implementation is in sc/source/core/data/table3.cxx
ScTable::TopTenQuery(). Looks like the number of entries displayed needs
some rounding.


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