Hello Frank,
>Sorry for the delay. I was busy working on the new solver feature. 
>Printing in Calc is an important task and there are several areas of
>possible improvements. Changing the page border in Page preview is one
>of these. So thank you for taking care of this issue.
Thanks very much for your reply.

>My comments:
>  - Changing the page margins will change the page breaks of a table. So
>this also affects the page break preview. But the page break preview
>could currently not be reached from page preview. Excel allows to call
>the page break preview from that view directly.
>  - Please add a button to the toolbar to show/hide margins. Not every
>user wants to see those borders. Default should be hidden in my opinion.
We will add a button to the toolbar to show/hide margins in the spec of the 
page margin feature.
Default it should be hidden.

>  - At least on Windows systems, the printer driver provides the minimal
>page margin of the assigned printer. (i.e. press Page Down key in a
>margin field of Writer Page dialog to test this behavior) So maybe we
>should snap but not limit to these minimal page margins.
> -  We should change the line color if the user moves the line outside
>the minimal page margin.
We think that the minimal page margin values should not be negative,
so the minimal value of the page margin should be 0, and the reason is 
that the line is not allowed to move outside the paper size.  

>  - Please do not show dialogs, if a margin cannot be further dragged. 
>I would propose to change the color of a line in that case (i.e red) to
>give feedback and restrict further movement outside the allowed area.
We will cancel the dialogs when the page margin cannot be further dragged.
The solution is each margin(right, left, top or bottom) returns back to its 
last position.

>  - Please do not use no exclamation points in dialogs (table 2 & 3). It
>is like shouting the user.
>Please don't hesitate to put me on CC or write me directly for any Calc
>related UX question.
We will cancel the table 2 & 3.

>I want to add another suggestion to this feature discussion.
>Printing a spreadsheet is sometimes not that easy as it should be. Think
>about a small table you want to print out in a maximized size on a
>single page in Calc.
>There are two ways to achieve this goal. First you can change the
>formatting (font sizes etc.) of your table, or second you can change the
>scaling factor for printing in the Format Page dialog, which saves you
>much time and effort.
>This feature is already present but hard to find. Furthermore it
>provides no immediate feedback on changing the scaling factor in a modal
>dialog. Same is true for the page borders issue you are currently
>working on. So it looks like it could perfectly fit into this new feature.
We think the second way is better.

>We could introduce this as a spin field in the Page Preview tool bar and
>furthermore in the Page Break Preview mode. So the user would get
>immediate feedback when changing this setting and she could see how the
>printout will look like.

>Would it be possible to add this to the page border feature set? I could
>provide a mock-up of the tool bar if this would help to implement this feature.
I hope you can provide a mock-up of the toolbar to me, we will discuss it.

I'm looking forwards to your reply. I will update the spec of the page margin 
If I encounter some question,I will email to your.:)

Thanks & Best Regards


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