
I added a XFrameActionListener to a spreadsheet document.

If a user changes for example from "Tabelle3" to the print preview (in german: 
and back the last frameAction(FrameActionEvent evt) i get is: 

At this point it seems not to be possible to get the current Controller via xModel.getCurrentController()
but i can get a XController using:

XController xController = evt.Frame.getController();

BTW: Is this correct ?

Now i try to get the active sheet ("Tabelle3"), but it seems not to be possible 

XSpreadsheetView xView = (XSpreadsheetView) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                                XSpreadsheetView.class, xController);

XSpreadsheet xSheet = xView.getActiveSheet()

it seem's xSheet always is the *first* sheet of the spreadsheet document
with index 0 (for example: "Tabelle1") and not the above mentioned "Tabelle3"
which is actually shown ...

What can i do ?



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