Hi Leonard,

On Tuesday, 2008-04-29 22:54:02 +0300, Leonard Mada wrote:

> I strongly support modifying this behaviour in a short timeframe and 
> implementing a date input-mask, where every user can accurately direct OOo 
> as to what input is a date (e.g. only dd.mm.yy, and not xx.xx)

"short timeframe" and "implementing a date input-mask" are contradicting
in itself. In a short time frame, removing the relaxed date recognition
and allowing only full dates would be possible. Note that doing so would
affect all applications that use the number formatter/parser.

In a medium time frame I would see input masks for abbreviated date
input being defined in locale data, plus API to access them, plus have
that handled in the number parser.

Implementing some date recognition mask would need a configuration item,
a dialog, sensible defaults in locale data, dialog input checking
whether the input masks match the locale's date order definition, make
the number parser handle that masks list, react somehow when the locale
was changed, and maybe more.

> 2.)  TEXT-vs-NUMERIC
>  1.) convert text-to-numbers automatically

I don't know why you come up with this again, I thought I lined out in
issue 5658 why that is not a good idea because results would be locale

>  2.) raise error / flag results where such text occurs

Raising an error for single cell references containing text and literal
string arguments where a number is expected IMHO is the only real

>  3.) offer easy recognition and conversion  of text to numbers

This may be implemented as well then, after we treat text-if-number as

> Unfortunately,  separating numbers from strings is a  very *artificial* 
> separation. It is NOT the way spreadsheets and humans function. "3" is 
> always "3", independent of it being addressed in a numerical or textual 
> context.

Number recognition is only safe during user input. If not done in the
input locale's context, guessing numbers from text is error prone.
Numbers have to be a distinct type to make the spreadsheet work if
loaded in another locale or a different application that might even not
know the locale the document originally was created in.

Btw, cross-copying to more than one mailing list quite assures that the
discussion will be scattered over the lists. Either because people
replying are not subscribed to all of them and the replies have to be
moderated through, or because of the unfortunate Reply-To mangling on
OOo lists that directs a reply to one list only if not circumvented by
the person replying or a capable mail user agent knowing how to handle
mailing lists.


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
 SunSign   0x87F8D412 : 2F58 5236 DB02 F335 8304  7D6C 65C9 F9B5 87F8 D412
 OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
 Please don't send personal mail to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] account, which I use 
 mailing lists only and don't read from outside Sun. Use [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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