Hi Regina,

On Wednesday, 2008-06-25 23:42:16 +0200, Regina Henschel wrote:

> I'm working on BETADIST. For certain inputs my version of that function  
> returns a value, which is near to 1. The formula in the cell is  
> =BETADIST(B$3;$B$1;$A8) with B3=0,999 and B1=1e-9 and A8=1,5. The result  
> should be shown as 1,00000000000000E+000 but it is shown as  
> 10,00000000000000E+000.

I couldn't reproduce that, using a number format code

Did you do something different?

> It is really a display problem and not a problem of my function, because  
> the result of the formula =BETADIST(B$3;$B$1;$A8)+1 is correctly shown  
> as 2,00000000000000E+000.
> To see the problem, you need my interpr3.cxx and the interpr6.cxx from  
> cws DEV300/odff04. You cannot use the normal version, because there the  
> function is not accurate enough to get that problem.

I tried in odff04, no problem with Linux .pro and non-pro and Windows
.pro builds.

> I have simulate the algorithm with MuPad, a high precision CAS. There I  
> get the value 0.9999999999999993332933300668465 (first digits) for my  
> result. But I don't know which value OOo has internally.

For the raw unformatted result you could set a breakpoint where BETADIST
pushes its value and display it in the debugger or analyze the IEEE 754
double bits.

> Does anyone know the reason or like to have a look at it or show me a  
> way to get the root of the problem?

If it turns out to be really a display problem, it's probably the number
formatter to look at, svtools/source/numbers/zformat.cxx method
SvNumberformat::GetOutputString(double fNumber,...) the case

However, as I can't reproduce the problem here I'd consider that the
very last resort. Maybe rebuilding the zformat.obj object file, linking
and replacing svtmi.dll in the installation already helps?


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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