Out of curiosity and knowing next to nothing about KNN, what is the return
value supposed to represent? The K nearest nearest geometries in spatialRDD
to any geometry in dataset point?


On Fri, Mar 26, 2021, 6:56 AM Alessandro Calvio <alexcal...@hotmail.it>

> Hi,
> I’m a graduated in Computer Engineering and I am writing in connection
> with the possibility to contribute to the Apache Sedona project.
> During my work I bumped into a problem regarding the incapability to
> perform the KNNQuery operation with a dataset rather than a single point.
> Hence, the contribution will enhance the library with a new signature of
> the SpatialKNNQuery:
> public static <U extends Geometry, T extends Geometry> List<T>
> SpatialKnnQuery(
> SpatialRDD<T> spatialRDD, SpatialRDD<U> datasetPoint, Integer k, boolean
> useIndex
> )
> The solution I’ve tried is similar to the one exploited for the
> Join-Query. In a few words, I’ll subdivide both dataset geographically, zip
> the partitions together and finally iterate on each partition computing the
> nearest neighbour query.
> I’d like to know if it could be a good proposal for a contribution and ask
> you some questions about the idea:
>   1.  Can the contribution be limited to RDD API or should it cover the
> SQL API too?
>   2.  Can the contribution be limited to enhance the Scala/Java API or
> should it cover the Python API too?
>   3.  Need the tests to be runned in local or should I deploy something
> like a cluster?
> It would be my first contribution in a open-source project so I’m not very
> experienced in these kind of procedures. I want to be sure that I can
> develop and submit my solution in a correct environment: where could I find
> a guide or doc with all the steps to do this after a possible approval?
> Waiting for a response,
> Best regards,
> Alessandro.

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