Hi all,

I have a use case which involves raster geometries. Naturally I would like
to use Sedona for that.

The current raster functions operate on arrays of doubles. That means that
all the spatial metadata is missing. That makes it impossible to implement
anything like what Postgis has: https://postgis.net/docs/RT_reference.html

Rasters have a position, srid, scale and other attributes that are needed
for a lot of functions.

If Sedona had a raster type we would have a foundation to build on. Then
the community could add their favorite raster functions, just like with
vector functions.

The Sedona raster type could be serialized to "raster WKB" format. It's a
format invented by Postgis and not an official standard. It just borrows
the popular name of the proper WKB which is only for vector geometries.

There are several independent implementations of raster WKB in C, Rust,
Python etc. But I haven't found a JVM implementation. We could implement a
WKBGridCoverageReader and WKBGridCoverageWriter (implementing
GridCoverageReader and GridCoverageWriter in geotools) and use GridCoverage
in our functions. I haven't used raster geometries that much. There might
be some better options.

What are your thoughts?


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