Sounds good! Should I contact

In addition, I think you can also create a project called sis-geotools
yourself from here?  Then this project
will be a sub-project of Apache SIS.


On Thu, Apr 11, 2024 at 3:50 PM Martin Desruisseaux <> wrote:

> Hello Jia
> Thanks for your reply. Indeed, small steps is fine. For making the
> following step more gradual:
> > We will start with upgrading GeoTools to a newer version that does not
> > conflict with Apache SIS. Then replace ST_Transform with Apache SIS.
> The conflict was in "org.opengis" package names, which is owned by OGC
> (GeoTools did a fork of OGC standard). They resolved this conflict by
> renaming their "org.opengis" packages to something else. The consequence
> for Sedona is that an upgrade of GeoTools followed by SIS would imply a
> renaming of "org.opengis" to something else, then back to "org.opengis"
> (but this time in compliance with OGC standard).
> Upgrading directly to SIS (the work that Furqaan started) would avoid
> this back-and-forth package renaming, but may be risky because of
> possible behavioral changes to manage all at once if the replacement is
> a "all or nothing".
> There is a third approach that may be considered: create a new project
> on GitHub (host organization to be determined, maybe OSGeo) where to
> create OGC GeoAPI wrappers for GeoTools. This is possible now that
> GeoTools no longer conflict with OGC standard. If there is a volunteer
> for setting up the project (possibly by asking OSGeo if they would
> accept to host the GitHub repository), I can volunteer for the actual
> Java code. The advantages for Sedona would be:
>   * Upgrade to latest GeoTools without renaming the
>     `org.opengis.referencing` packages (but it would be wrappers instead
>     of direct GeoTools API).
>   * Instances of the CoordinateReferenceSystem interface can be
>     implemented either by GeoTools or Apache SIS in the same JVM. It
>     should be possible to have the two libraries co-existing behind the
>     same API. So migration of the coordinate transformation services
>     (for example) would not need to be done all at once for the whole
>     Sedona project.
> Martin

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