I am raising a VOTE to begin the process of changing the Apache SensSoft 
Project name. 

A passing VOTE in favor of changing the Apache SensSoft Project name means the 
following sequence of events will take place:

1. We will first enter a nomination period for new names; all community members 
will be allowed to nominate names. 
2. We will VOTE on a short-list of ranked names following a DISCUSSion
3. We will submit this short-list of ranked names to name search process as 
outlined in [1] and [2] to determine their suitability (ensure they are clear 
of trademarks/copyrights and brand confusion)
        3a. Results and artifacts generated through the name search will be 
documented on JIRA, Confluence. 
4. We will VOTE amongst the appropriate names to select a new name.
5. Once a new name has been selected the project will no longer be named 
“SensSoft”, and we will begin the process of work with INFRA to reflect the 
changes in our repos, etc., and modifying our documentation to reflect this 
change (e.g., Wiki, Website).

Justification for the name change can be found below the VOTE categories, 
please read this before VOTING:

The VOTE is open for one week to allow committers and community members that 
represent institutions with a stake in Apache SensSoft a chance to discuss this 
issue with institutions that rely on our technology. The VOTE will close at 
20:00, TUES OCT 9th. 

[+1]    We should change the name, it’s the right thing to do.
[ 0 ]   I think we should discuss internally and fully explore our options with 
the Apache Incubator before we consider this. (note your reasons)
[-1]    I think our name is our identity, we should not change it.  (note your 

——————— JUSTIFICATION———————— 
The reasons why I am raising this as an issue to VOTE are follows:

The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. (Draper), has notified me in personal 
correspondence that Apache SensSoft, infringes on their trademark for "Software 
as a Sensor” [3] (which is referenced in various parts of our documentation 
with appropriate markings). This correspondence was prompted when I referenced 
Apache SensSoft in an email signature at a different employer. The initial 
software gift (from Draper) that established the Apache SensSoft project 
(incubating), was gifted under this name. However, Draper’s disposition has 
changed as many of our original Draper committers have taken other employment. 
The relevant, verbatim text from Draper legal copied in my correspondence with 
Brent Appleby, Director of Draper’s Algorithms & Software Directorate can be 
found in our Sept 18 polling report [4]. 

Draper’s Trademark is for “Software as a Sensor”, however, “SensSoft” and 
“SENSSOFT” are not protected marks (verified at [5] and [6], also note 
“SENSOFT” [7], which is cited in Draper’s correspondence [4]). So, why would we 
change the name?

1. In order to grow our community, our community members must be able to bring 
visibility to Apache SensSoft and evangelize it. Accusations or allusions of 
infringement are a strong disincentive to evangelizing our work.

2. In order to keep our code relevant, cross-functional, and open, we must be 
independent of any particular company or institution’s interests, else it is a 
strong disincentive for other company’s to build their own products from our 
work. As such, we cannot honor Draper’s wishes to reference them as the 
Trademark holders of “Software as a Sensor” every time we reference Apache 

3. In order to maintain the viability of Apache SensSoft as an Apache Software 
Foundation (Incubator) product, institutions must be able to use, distribute, 
modify, and package our code into their own proprietary, branded products under 
the Apache License terms. This is as true for Draper as it is any other 
company. Draper committers have committed much of Apache SensSoft’s code 
(Draper is a part of our community), and they should be able to protect their 
proprietary interests and brands. Bringing in Apache Legal might disincentivize 
Draper’s continued involvement, as well as the involvement of other companies.

4. At the moment, I do not believe our project name to be so essential to our 
brand that our project cannot survive a name change.

5. As we have VOTED to graduate the project and are moving in that direction 
(see April 2018 VOTE on dev@), now is a good time to evaluate our project name 
(the formal name search process is mandatory for graduation). 

——————— REFERENCES————————
[1] https://incubator.apache.org/guides/names.html#conducting_ 
[2] https://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/naming.html 
[3] http://tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4805:t4o9gq.2.1 
[4] https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/September2018 
[7] http://tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4805:t4o9gq.11.1 

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