
I noticed that recently our commit messages became veru inconsistent:

The format we used to have:

SENTRY-2014: incorrect handling of HDFS paths with multiple forward slashes
(Vadim Spector, reviewed by Sergio Pena and Arjun Mishra)

SENTRY-2015 - Refactor Command implementations
      - Reviewed by Sergio Pena

Here reviewer is in the second line

SENTRY-2013 - Align the SentryGenericServiceClient and
SentryPolicyServiceClient a bit more closely
    - Signed off by Kalyan.

Here there is no reviewer by it has "Signed off',

SENTRY-2017: Fix Sentry e2e tests to use

No committer or reviewers here

I think we should agree on one standard format, document it and follow it
for all commits.

- Alex.

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