On 11.10.2017 09:58, Falko Matthies wrote:
> Hi serf team!
> I have a small issue. It looks like that the serf lib is the reason, why 
> subversion does not work anymore while
> accessing HTTPS repositories.
> I am using
> - the current debian testing (buster) amd64
> - subversion 1.9.7-2 (r1800392) with libserf 1.3.9-3 (no self compiled 
> packages, only distribution packages) and
> - beanstalkapp as a repository provider
> I cant access (update/checkout/list/whatever) my subversion repository 
> anymore. Everytime i call a subversion command i
> get following error message:
>> svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 
>> 'https://u...@company.svn.beanstalkapp.com/REPOSITORY/trunk'
>> svn: E120171: Error running context: An error occurred during SSL 
>> communication
> If i replace the package libserf-1.3.9-3 by libserf-1.3.9-1 (and nothing 
> else) everything works fine. I dont get any
> errors anymore. Also curl works fine. Maybe there is a bug in the current 
> libserf 1.3.9-3 version?

You should report this to the Debian team. There is no "libserf 1.3.9-3"
here; the Serf project provides sources. the "-1" ... "-3" suffixes are
specific to Debian packaging and they should figure out what they
changed between the package versions.

Here's the link to the bug tracker:

And the changelog:

Frankly, from the changelog, I can't figure out what might have gone wrong.

-- Brane

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