Hi all??
   We had integration with Apollo for support dynamic config in Java Chassis, 
our CI will pull up apollo docker containers for test 
(nobodyiam/apollo-quick-start and lijasonvip/apollodb), this step is very slow 
and easy failed.
   I found that we are only use apollo openapi 
 to get configurations from it, code below :
 private static RestTemplate rest = new RestTemplate();
 ResponseEntity<String> exchange = rest.exchange(composeAPI(), HttpMethod.GET, 
entity, String.class);
  It is a general http GET request, so I think we only need start up a http 
server and direct return a default configuration content for this url in order 
to simulate the apollo server, that is enough.
   Any thoughts?
 Best Regards & Thanks!
 Yangyong Zheng

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