
James Mitchell

On Sep 28, 2006, at 9:41 PM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

The work we've done on the dialog support in the sandbox is showing clear earmarks of success. We can now support 100% of the functionality that actually works in the original implementation, plus have addressed a number of outstanding bug and RFE issues (plus supported a few extra enhancements like programmatic starting of a dialog that were not explicitly mentioned in an issue). I think it is now time to incorporate the results of this effort
back into the mainline trunk code.

Specifically, I propose to do the following:

* Eliminate the original org.apache.shale.dialog (and child packages) code
from shale-core.
Yes, this is pretty abrupt, but developers who only use the APIs we've
exposed for application
 use will not be affected -- it only impacts those who are using APIs
targeted for "framework"
users, and those folks need to be more accomodating about API evolution.

* Create new modules under frameworks as follows:

 - shale-dialog (copied from sandbox shale-dialog2 with package names
   changed from org.apache.shale.dialog2 to org.apache.shale.dialog.

 - shale-dialog-basic (copied from sandbox shale-dialog2-legacy with
packgae names (etc.)
   changed from org.apache.shale.dialog2.legacy to

- shale-dialog-scxml (copied from sandbox shale-dialog2-scxml with package
names (etc.)
   changed from org.apache.shale.dialog2.scxml to

* Update website content in a manner consistent with the refactoring
proposal I just sent out.

* If we accept the SCXML implementation, start a vote to accept Rahul as a
Shale committer.

As with the refactoring proposal, I've got some time available starting tomorrow night and through the weekend to devote to these changs, if there
are no objections.



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