On 1/4/07, Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks a lot for the detailed review of the distros, Niall !

I will comment on specific points below, but in light of Niall's
feedback I am proposing:

a) We close this vote, and declare it unsuccessful
b) We apply suggested fixes (again, specific comments below) and
recreate the svn tag
c) We vote again on new proposed artifacts with these fixes (and these
fixes only)

This means folks who have reviewed the artifacts will need to do so
again, sorry for the inconvenience.

Any objections to this plan?

Sounds reasonable.

Regarding web-facesconfig_1_0.dtd and web-facesconfig_1_1.dtd -- these two
files are available under the CDDL license as part of the JSF 1.2 source
distribution.  Interestingly, the source files in the original distribution
do no have license or copyright headers (I'll forward notes about that to
the appropriate folks), but CDDL was on the acceptable compatibility list
last time I looked.  If there are problems, both Struts (with the
struts-faces extension) and MyFaces will also have issues.

What should also happen here is attribution in the NOTICE.txt file for
shale-tiger module too ... I'll look into the appropriate wording for that
and commit something soon.


PS:  Rahul, don't forget to apply your cleanups based on Niall's comments to
the trunk too.  Otherwise, we'll need to go through this exercise again next
time :-).

PPS:  I'm also +1 on removing the Cobertura reports from the release
version, although I do find the reports useful during development cycles.

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