the [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the right list for this.


On 7/18/07, Keuller Magalhaes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Folks,

I would like to know whether Tomahawk 1.1.6 is compatible with MyFaces 1.2 ?
We're have many applications at my company that uses MyFaces 1.1.5 and
Tomahawk 1.1.6 and we're interested to migrate towards MyFaces 1.2.

Do you advice us to make it ?


Keuller Magalhães

On 7/18/07, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Jul 18, 2007 8:16 AM
> Subject: [ANNOUNCE] MyFaces Core 1.2.0 Release
> The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces
> Core 1.2.0.
> MyFaces Core 1.2.x is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 1.2 implementation as
> specified by JSR-252.  MyFaces Core has passed Sun's JSR-252 TCK and
> is 100% compliant with the JSR-252 specification.
> MyFaces Core 1.2.0 is available in both binary and source distributions.
>     *
> MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under
> Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.core".
> Release Notes - MyFaces Core - Version 1.2.0
> Sub-task
>     * [MYFACES-1436] - Add element "deferred-value/method" for
> elements in the taglibs
>     * [MYFACES-1437] - Implement UIComponentTagUtils to use
> ValueExpression and MethodExpression
>     * [MYFACES-1440] - Implement method:
> ApplicationImpl.createComponent(ValueExpression,FacesContext, String)
>     * [MYFACES-1441] - Implement method:
> ApplicationImpl.getResourceBundle(FacesContext ,String)
>     * [MYFACES-1444] - Change all the html basic tag attributes to
> ValueExpression
>     * [MYFACES-1453] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: ActionListenerTag
>     * [MYFACES-1454] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: ConvertNumberTag
>     * [MYFACES-1455] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: LoadBundleTag
>     * [MYFACES-1456] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: ParamTag
>     * [MYFACES-1457] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: SelectItemsTag
>     * [MYFACES-1458] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: SubviewTag
>     * [MYFACES-1459] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: ValidateDoubleRangeTag
>     * [MYFACES-1460] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: ValidateLengthTag
>     * [MYFACES-1461] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: ValidateLongRangeTag
>     * [MYFACES-1462] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: ValueChangeListenerTag
>     * [MYFACES-1463] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: VerbatimTag
>     * [MYFACES-1464] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: ViewTag
>     * [MYFACES-1473] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: SelectItemTag
>     * [MYFACES-1475] - ValidatorTag
>     * [MYFACES-1478] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: convertDateTimeTag
>     * [MYFACES-1484] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: phaseListenerTag
>     * [MYFACES-1485] - Implement JSR-252 core tag: FacetTag
> Bug
>     * [MYFACES-1212] - JSR-252 Issue #21: Provide additional "binding"
> attribute for the core Converter, Listener, and Validator tags that
> would be used as a ValueExpression to alternatively create the
> instance
>     * [MYFACES-1218] - JSR-252 Issue #45: Avoided concurrent read
> issues by using a java.util.HashMap instead of java.util.WeakHashMap
> for a component's Property Descriptor Map
>     * [MYFACES-1331] - Value attribute in <f:selectItem> is documented
> as not required, but javax.faces.FacesException: SelectItem with no
> value is thrown
>     * [MYFACES-1344] - get svn meta data out of impl jar file
>     * [MYFACES-1381] - JSR-252 Issue #303: Clarified the use of
> encodeChildren with no renderer: render not no-op
>     * [MYFACES-1474] - Fix for ActionListenerTag
>     * [MYFACES-1521] - tag class generator (datatable . setVar())
>     * [MYFACES-1536] - Resolvers assume that all JSPs produce a
> FacesContext
>     * [MYFACES-1544] - Verbatim Components are not created during JSP
> dispatch
>     * [MYFACES-1548] - UIComponent State change if getValueBinding() is
> called.
>     * [MYFACES-1551] - UIViewRoot.getPhaseListeners() must not be
> generated
>     * [MYFACES-1557] - MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance not thread safe
>     * [MYFACES-1562] - ValueBinding's getType always returns object
> when trying to converter for class
>     * [MYFACES-1572] - getFirst() and getRows() methods in UIData
> don't return correct values
>     * [MYFACES-1574] - HtmlOutputLink returns the wrong renderer type
>     * [MYFACES-1575] - MethodBinding.invoke() should provide cause
> exception
>     * [MYFACES-1576] - PropertyResolver.getType() should check arguments
>     * [MYFACES-1577] - PropertyResolver should throw
> PropertyNotFoundException
>     * [MYFACES-1579] - VariableResolver throws IllegalStateException
> because scope is unknown
>     * [MYFACES-1582] - web-facesconfig_1_2.xsd contains restrictive
> copyright
>     * [MYFACES-1584] - DateTimeConverter contains an extra non-spec field
>     * [MYFACES-1588] - managed beans are not resolved when scope is "none"
>     * [MYFACES-1592] - cannot render selectBooleanCheckbox tag when a
> boolean value is supplied
>     * [MYFACES-1593] - javax.el.CompositeELResolver cannot resolve managed
> beans
>     * [MYFACES-1594] - Passthrough attribute "acceptcharset" for form
> not being rendered
>     * [MYFACES-1595] - spec compliance for HtmlCommandButton
>     * [MYFACES-1596] - In an inputText, If the "autocomplete"
> attribute is not set or the value is "on", render nothing.
>     * [MYFACES-1597] - In inputTextarea, pass thru attributes "cols"
> and "rows" should not be rendered if they are not set
>     * [MYFACES-1598] - JSF 1.2 TLD compliance: attributes "binding"
> and "converter" with wrong deferred-type
>     * [MYFACES-1599] - JSF 1.2 TLD compliance: attribute "action" with
> wrong deferred-method signature
>     * [MYFACES-1600] - JSF 1.2 TLD compliance: wrong deferred value
> for "rendered" and "id" should be false for the rtexpr value
>     * [MYFACES-1601] - JSF 1.2 TLD compliance: attribute "var" from
> dataTable with wrong configuration
>     * [MYFACES-1602] - dataTable does not render any content
>     * [MYFACES-1604] - commandLink with disabled=true should render
> children and id
>     * [MYFACES-1605] - h:selectBooleanCheckbox h:selectManyCheckbox
> h:selectManyListbox h:selectManyMenu h:selectOneListbox
> h:selectOneMenu h:selectOneRadio broken
>     * [MYFACES-1606] - dataTable with facet does not work
>     * [MYFACES-1607] - implement
> ResourceBundleResolver.getFeatureDescriptors()
>     * [MYFACES-1608] - Passthru attributes "onfocus" and "onblur" not
> rendered for the commandLink
>     * [MYFACES-1609] - Allow selectItems with value null
>     * [MYFACES-1610] - Rendering behaviour of enabledClass and
> disabledClass failing for selectItems
>     * [MYFACES-1611] - Attribute "readonly" not honoured in selectOneMenu
>     * [MYFACES-1612] - selectOneListbox must show the number of items
> as the value of "size" attribute if is not specified
>     * [MYFACES-1613] - Caption facets in panelGrids not rendered
>     * [MYFACES-1614] - Output "colgroup" as the value of the "scope"
> attribute on the "th" element for the dataTable
>     * [MYFACES-1615] - If graphicImage does not have value/url is not
> rendered
>     * [MYFACES-1616] - When there are two forms (or more) in a page,
> only the first form contains the viewState information
>     * [MYFACES-1617] - When rendering the _link_hidden_ must not have
> a "value" attribute set
>     * [MYFACES-1620] - ImplicitObjectResolver.getValue wrong return
> when property is resolved
>     * [MYFACES-1621] - ViewResponseWrapper does not wrapped the
> OutputStreams
>     * [MYFACES-1622] - support headerClass and footerClass at h:column
> level
>     * [MYFACES-1624] - In oneradio and manycheckbox, the style
> attribute has not to be passed to the input elements
>     * [MYFACES-1625] - In selectOneCheckbox, the style is not passed
> through
>     * [MYFACES-1632] - selectItem component not resolving expressions
> for some of its attributes
>     * [MYFACES-1633] - Incorret view rendering after postback
>     * [MYFACES-1634] - Wrong ValidatorTag class name in the
> myfaces_core.tld
>     * [MYFACES-1635] - Incorrect rendering of jsf tags interweaved with
>     * [MYFACES-1636] - When getting the converter of an array of type
> String, an exception is thrown
>     * [MYFACES-1637] - ClassCastException in
> UIComponentClassicTagBase.createVerbatimComponent
>     * [MYFACES-1638] - Do not render id and name attributes in links,
> if id is not specified
>     * [MYFACES-1640] - Content after the view tag incorrectly written
> to the response
>     * [MYFACES-1642] - Id attribute not present in the rendered HTML
> for the commandLink, even if the id was provided
>     * [MYFACES-1643] - f:convertDateTime has wrong signatures of all
> setters (does not accept javax.el.ValueExpression)
>     * [MYFACES-1644] - API signature error with UIComponentTagBase
>     * [MYFACES-1645] - UIViewRoot.getLocale is not implemented
> according to the spec
>     * [MYFACES-1646] - Using alternative configurations (e.g.
> ViewHandlers) not working properly
>     * [MYFACES-1647] - Alternative renderkits not working in myfaces
>     * [MYFACES-1648] - myfaces-build should have scope "provided" as
> it is only needed on build time
>     * [MYFACES-1649] - Converter tag incorrecly mapped in the
> myfaces_core.tld
>     * [MYFACES-1650] - convertDateTime tag not implemented correctly
> in myfaces 1.2
>     * [MYFACES-1651] - Default converters and validators not correctly
> registered
>     * [MYFACES-1658] - Memory leak in JspStateManagerImpl
>     * [MYFACES-1676] - outputlink ignores user defined id
>     * [MYFACES-1679] - Missing "by type" registration of default
> converters
>     * [MYFACES-1680] - JSF Converters not all registered in
> standard-faces-config.xml file
> Improvement
>     * [MYFACES-1213] - JSR-252 Issue #27: specified rendering of
> style, class, lang and dir for the h:messages
>     * [MYFACES-1222] - JSR-252 Issue #51: Allow implementations to
> check for the presence of a servlet-class definition in a web app
> deployment descriptor as a means to abort the configuration and save
> startup time.
>     * [MYFACES-1226] - JSR-252 Issue #59: Avoid EL expression
> evaluation for "value" attribute on "AttributeTag". "AttributeTag" now
> passes the expression to UIComponent for evaluation.
>     * [MYFACES-1230] - JSR-252 Issue #68: Specify that the component
> tree may be manipulated throughout the request processing lifecycle,
> except during render.
>     * [MYFACES-1235] - JSR-252 Issue #78: Added a more "user-friendly"
> default error message for UIInput "update model".
>     * [MYFACES-1245] - JSR-252 Issue #98: Specified that
> "SelectManyCheckboxListRenderer" and "RadioRenderer" must render the
> "label" element after the "input" element for each "SelectItem".
>     * [MYFACES-1248] - JSR-252 Issue #123: Clarified renderkit docs
> with respect to dataTable attribute rendering
>     * [MYFACES-1251] - JSR-252 Issue #134: Backward compatability issues
>     * [MYFACES-1256] - JSR-252 Issue #154: Fixed FacesTag "name"
> attribute discrepency - made it a String (was ValueExpression).
>     * [MYFACES-1266] - JSR-252 Issue #118: Specified that an
> implementation of Map returned from ExternalContext.getSessionMap
> implement a "clear" method that calls "removeAttribute" on each
> attribute in the Servlet or Portlet Session.
>     * [MYFACES-1267] - JSR-252 Issue #122: Clarified renderkit docs
> with respect to what gets rendered for disabled command link
> attributes.
>     * [MYFACES-1434] - All attributes in tags must be of type
> ValueExpression. In the tld, the attributes must contain a
> "deferred-type" element with the attribute type
>     * [MYFACES-1442] - Deprecated APIs in the javax.faces.webapp package
>     * [MYFACES-1443] - Revert JSR-252 changes in UIComponentTagUtils
> and deprecate it
>     * [MYFACES-1465] - Removed methods from UIComponentBodyTag as it
> extends UIComponentTag which is now a BodyTag
> New Feature
>     * [MYFACES-1201] - JSR-252 Issue #4: Added headerClass and
> footerClass attributes at the "h:column" level.
>     * [MYFACES-1202] - JSR-252 Issue #5: Clarified the use of a string
> literal for the "action" attribute on ActionSource components.
>     * [MYFACES-1203] - JSR-252 Issue #6: Introduced a new optional
> "label" attribute for input components that will provide an
> association between a component, and the message that the component
> (indirectly) produced.
>     * [MYFACES-1204] - JSR-252 Issue #8: Made UIViewRoot a source of
> PhaseEvent(s) for all phases of the request processing lifecycle
> except RestoreView.
>     * [MYFACES-1207] - JSR-252 Issue #15: Enhanced the usage of the
> "Decorator Pattern" for ViewHandler, StateManager and ResponseWriter
>     * [MYFACES-1209] - JSR-252 Issue #17: Introduced a new optional
> "layout" attribute on the "PanelGroup" component that controls the
> rendering of either a "div" or "span" HTML element.
>     * [MYFACES-1210] - JSR-252 Issue #18: <f:loadBundle> behavior
> clarifications
>     * [MYFACES-1211] - JSR-252 Issue #20: Specify that the event queue
> should be cleared after each phase (except for RestoreViewPhase and
> RenderResponse) if responseComplete or renderResponse has been set
>     * [MYFACES-1215] - JSR-252 Issue #30: Make the "commandButton"
> "image" attribute render the same as the "graphicImage" "img"
> attribute for consistency.
>     * [MYFACES-1217] - JSR-252 Issue #43: Migrated over to using XML
> Schema (from DTD) for configuration file validation.
>     * [MYFACES-1219] - JSR-252 Issue # 47: Introduced a mechanism to
> detect if a request is a postback.
>     * [MYFACES-1220] - JSR-252 Issue # 48: Specify the algorithm used
> for client id generation as well as provide a way to allow the page
> author to specify exactly what the client id should be, and preventing
> Faces from altering it.
>     * [MYFACES-1221] - JSR-252 Issue #50: Allow an application to
> specify multiple render kits by introducing an optional "renderKitId"
> attribute on "<f:view>".
>     * [MYFACES-1223] - JSR-252 Issue #54: Added new extension elements
> to the Faces XML schema.
>     * [MYFACES-1229] - JSR-252 Issue #67: Allow the resetting of an
> input component's value by introducing a resetValue() method on
> UIInput
>     * [MYFACES-1233] - JSR-252 Issue #73: Added a new FacesException -
> "javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException"
>     * [MYFACES-1237] - JSR-252 Issue #81: Enable the message displayed
> for "required" validation, conversion, and validation to be overridden
> by the page author (JSP or non-JSP).
>     * [MYFACES-1238] - JSR-252 Issue #82: Added new feature, the
> ability to resolve ResourceBundles via the EL without the use of the
> <f:loadBundle> tag.
>     * [MYFACES-1240] - JSR-252 Issue #85: Add new tag:
> f:setPropertyActionListener. Useful for pushing values into managed
> beans without allowing modification of the value.
>     * [MYFACES-1242] - JSR-252 Issue #75: Added
> "getRequestContentType" and "getResponseContentType" to
> ExternalContext.
>     * [MYFACES-1247] - JSR-252 Issue #120: Specified in the renderkit
> docs that commandButton rendering can generate javascript for
> "onclick" attribute.
>     * [MYFACES-1252] - JSR-252 Issue #135: Support Java EE 5 enums as
> valid types
>     * [MYFACES-1254] - JSR-252 Issue #151: Specified standard
> converter for Enums
>     * [MYFACES-1255] - JSR-252 Issue #152: Specified EL coercion usage
> in API javadocs UISelectOne/UISelectMany (when items are compared in
> validation) and standard html renderkit docs during encoding of select
> components.
>     * [MYFACES-1257] - JSR-252 Issue #155: Specified "columnClasses",
> "rowClasses" descriptions for panelGrid in renderkit docs.
>     * [MYFACES-1258] - JSR-252 Issue #160: Added and specified
> ResponseWriter.writeText method that takes a UIComponent argument.
>     * [MYFACES-1260] - JSR-252 Issue #13: Specified "by type"
> converter registration for BigDecimal and BigInteger
>     * [MYFACES-1261] - JSR-252 Issue #93: Added "escape" flag
> indicating the text of UISelectItem should be escaped when rendering.
>     * [MYFACES-1262] - JSR-252 Issue #99: Specified Java EE 5 Generics
> usage where applicable.
>     * [MYFACES-1265] - JSR-252 Issue #111: Specified that a component
> must allow child components to be added to and removed from the child
> list of the currrent component, even though the child component
> returns null from getParent()
>     * [MYFACES-1268] - JSR-252 Issue #138: Change the required return
> type for action methods to be Object instead of String.
>     * [MYFACES-1269] - JSR-252 Issue #145: Define new method on
> UIComponent, invokeOnComponent().
>     * [MYFACES-1274] - JSR-252 Unified EL: Implement sections 5.5,
> 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8 of the JSF 1.2 spec
>     * [MYFACES-1439] - Implementation of new/modified JSR-252 methods
> for the Application class
>     * [MYFACES-1445] - Implementation of new JSR-252 class:
> UIComponentClassicTagBase
>     * [MYFACES-1449] - In JSR-252 javax.webapp.ConverterTag has been
> replaced by ConverterELTag
>     * [MYFACES-1466] - Create JSR-252 implementation of ValidatorELTag
> called ValidatorTag
>     * [MYFACES-1566] - Ability to Turn Off Generation of Component Client
> IDs
> Task
>     * [MYFACES-1639] - Some DTDs hold Sun Microsystems copyrights.
>     * [MYFACES-1652] - Current shared 2.0 and 3.0 should be compatible
> Enjoy !
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
> further stuff:
> blog:
> mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
> further stuff:
> blog:
> mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org

Keuller A. Magalhães

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org

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