Thanks for our experienced PPMC’s suggestion, i hope so.


 Juan Pan (Trista) 
Senior DBA & PPMC of Apache ShardingSphere(Incubating)

On 01/16/2020 21:02,Sheng Wu<> wrote:
Congrats to the whole community, and be honored as a part of the team.

Happy Chinese new year to everyone. And in my mind, after the vacation of
many of us, we could start the discussion about graduation.

Sheng Wu 吴晟
Twitter, wusheng1108

Juan Pan <> 于2020年1月16日周四 下午8:42写道:

Hello community,

Although our 2020 journey has begun, it is worth reviewing what we did
during last year and sharing the great progress we made with everyone in
community. Here are some roughly interesting data from January 2019 to
December 2019.

Compared with 513 PRs in gitHub during 2018, 870+ PRs were merged into our
dev branch last year.

GitHub stars increased by 50%, compared to 6k at the beginning of 2019.

4 versions released successfully conformant to Apache release policy.

2 PPMCs and 8 committers were invited to join our community.

62 contributors did contribution for our community last year. This figure
in 2018 was about 29.

Although those figures are merely part of community data, it is the clear
evidence that we made a great progress during 2019. All those grow-up are
thanks to everyone in our community!

Special thanks to Craig, Willem, Gosling and Justin. What you shared in
Apache meetups shed lights on how to make our community active and diverse
and gave us much of help.

Many thanks to our PPMCs and committers. Your efforts made our community
run pretty in order.

Last but not least, many thanks to contributors and subscribers. You are
important force to ShardingSphere community.

In further, there are a lot of work and improvement need to do. Hope we
can keep carrying on with passion and make our community more 'Apache way'.

Any comment, suggestion, opinion are welcomed here, please step farword to
say whatever you want!

Warm greetings to you and your family, hope you could become who you are.


Juan Pan (Trista)

Senior DBA & PPMC of Apache ShardingSphere(Incubating)

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