Hi Hongtao,

Thanks for your detailed proposal which looks great.

I fixed some typos base on google doc’s advice, and one item seems no clue for 
me is that Sharding-Sidecar is still in our mind without any progress.


 Juan Pan (Trista) 
Senior DBA & PPMC of Apache ShardingSphere(Incubating)
E-mail: panj...@apache.org

On 02/20/2020 09:50,Hongtao Gao<hanahm...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hongtao Gao <hanahm...@gmail.com>
2019年11月26日周二 上午10:04
发送至 dev
Hi everyone

I'm glad to share my proposal with you about to setup ShardingShpere Cloud
on Kubernetes(SSCK) project.

The aim of SSCK is to enable users to configure and manage components of
ShardingShpere in Kubernetes Cluster.

The following is the doc of this proposal. I'm hoping to hear thoughts from
you soon.

[PROPOSAL]ShardingShpere Cloud on Kubernetes(SSCK) -

Hongtao Gao

Apache SkyWalking && Apache ShardingSphere
Twitter, @hanahmily

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