
The dev list will generally drop the attachments, if you debugged and found 
something, my suggestion is to attach the log a ISSUE[1].

[1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-shardingsphere/issues


 Juan Pan (Trista)
Senior DBA & PPMC of Apache ShardingSphere(Incubating)
E-mail: panj...@apache.org

On 03/4/2020 21:19????????????<546810...@qq.com> wrote??
I have already&nbsp;check.table.metadata.enabled: false

But the startup is still slow. I have about 3000 meters

The code in the attachment is that I track the slow execution position. 
Although my database performance is average, it takes more than 15 minutes to 

Definitely help

????????check.table.metadata.enabled: false

????????:&nbsp;2020??3??4??(??????) ????9:13

????:&nbsp;Re: Too many sub tables lead to slow start

Hi, google translate may can not translate your mean correctly, I can't get
your point.


Liang Zhang (John)
Apache ShardingSphere &amp; Dubbo

?????????? <546810...@qq.com&gt; ??2020??3??4?????? ????8:31??????

&gt; Set check.table.metadata.enabled: false to start slowly
&gt; I have nearly 3000 watches
&gt; As shown in the attachment code location
&gt; Very time-consuming
&gt; ------------------ ???????? ------------------
&gt; *??????:* "Juan Pan"<panj...@apache.org&gt;;
&gt; *????????:* 2020??3??4??(??????) ????7:06
&gt; *??????:* 
&gt; *????:* "dev"<dev@shardingsphere.apache.org&gt;;
&gt; *????:* Re:Too many sub tables lead to slow start
&gt; Hi
&gt; The configuration option `check.table.metadata.enabled` which decides to
&gt; check metadata of each table or not
&gt; can affect the speed of start-up.
&gt;&nbsp; Juan Pan (Trista)
&gt; Senior DBA &amp; PPMC of Apache ShardingSphere(Incubating)
&gt; E-mail: panj...@apache.org
&gt; On 03/4/2020 18:19????????????<546810...@qq.com&gt; wrote??
&gt; Hello
&gt; I use mysql5 database
&gt; Sharding version: 4.0.0-rc2
&gt; As there are about 2000 tables, the program starts slowly. Is there any
&gt; way to solve this problem?

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