Hi community,

Our 4.1.0 release is on the way. Moreover, I received plenty of feedback and 
complaints that our configuration is complicated and tedious. 
When trying it by myself, I convinced it is time to make some changes.
I propose to simplify the configuration API for sharding rule since release 5.x.

### Here are pros and cons

#### Pros
1. Through much Straightforward sharding configuration, users do not need to 
understand too many sharding strategies[1] 
for their scenarios since sharding strategies decreases from 5 to 2. 
The ISSUE[2] will show you the initial design for new API and TODO list.

2. ShardingSphere will provide many default sharding strategies for users, 
which means 80% of users could adopt default sharding strategies rather than 
write by themselves. 
No code, no compile, no redundant setting. 

#### Cons
1. New configuration API does not have a great compatibility across 4.x and 
5.x, i.e., it is a brand new API since release 5.x
 (I guess it will become our argument).

Therefore, I sincerely welcome your opinion and comment to develop this 
proposal better and better.

[2] https://github.com/apache/incubator-shardingsphere/issues/5017


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