Hi Tim,

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 2:21 PM, Tim Wintle <tim.win...@teamrubber.com>wrote:

> On Wed, 2010-11-17 at 09:10 +0530, Nuwan Bandara wrote:
> > Hi Devs,
> >
> > I am facing a difficulty, while using shindig to make session aware calls
> to
> > fetch gadget xmls. My requirement is as follows.
> >
> > When shindig is running as the gadget renderer, and when there are
> gadgets
> > hosted in the same container, there should be a mechanism to use the
> current
> > http session when fetching these gadget xmls. The requirement is, there
> can
> > be gadgets which are specific to some users (based on roles), and if the
> web
> > application supports user/role based permissions, if shindig makes
> session
> > aware requests to the container, only the permitted gadgets can be
> retrieved
> > from the container.
> Unless I'm misunderstanding the problem you are trying to solve, the way
> I approach this is from a different angle. The gadgets themselves are
> publicly available, but all data the gadgets fetch is done via an http
> request (normally json) to the container domain, which handles roles.

Yes, I believe thats one way of doing it. In my case, I need the users to
prevent from adding gadgets from the gadgets store which they don't have
rights to use. Hence I need to protect the gadget xml itself.


> For example, we have Clients, and each client has multiple accounts. The
> gadgets appear on either client pages or account pages.
> All content put in the gadget XML is publicly available, and not
> sensitive.
> Sensitive data is requested client-side from an api on the container
> domain, which checks the user's roles for the requested data.
> As we're largely reporting fairly fast changing data, it has the benefit
> that most users have primed caches when viewing the gadgets, and it's
> only the API calls that are repeated for the majority of displays.
> Tim Wintle

Thanks & Regards,

Nuwan Bandara
- www.nuwanbando.com - Stranger Than Fiction

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