Thanks Mat, I checked shindig properties, here's what it looks like: shindig.content-rewrite.include-tags=body,embed,img,input,link,script,style So the embed tag is there, but not the param tag.
I'll add the param tag and then try to break in AbsolutePathReferenceRewriter > What's the value of shindig.content-rewrite.include-tags in your > If this doesn't include "embed" (or maybe even param, > come to think of it) then that might explain it. > Mat On 7 January 2011 01:23, Mark Weitzel <> wrote: > Quick question� > > I've got the following html in my gadget: > <object width="550" height="400" id="fallback"> > <param name="movie" value="swf/splash.swf"> > <embed src="swf/flash-christmas.swf" width="550" height="400"> > </embed> > </object> > <img src="swf/my_logo.png"/> > > > When the gadget gets rendered, I get two different URL roots. > > 404: > > > 200: > > is in the swf dir) > > > I'm thinking there's a property or something somewhere that I missed. Could > someone point me to it quickly? > > > Thanks! > > > -Mark W. >