We have been looking at using feature params in the current
implementation of shindig.
Currently we have a patch(attatched) that fixes the  GadgetHandlerAPI
to return feature params, and fixing BeanConverter to support
For a feature declaration like this:
<Optional feature="open-search">
The meta date request returns this(with our patch)


Basically any thing inside the <Param> can be returned as in the meta
data request

So this may be a spec question, but given where the implementation is
today, first wanted to check on shindig dev what the intention of
feature params are.

Conceptually has anyone considered a generic mechanism to allow
features to contribute arbitrary XML, and easily integrate existing
standards? In this example open search description.

<Optional feature="open-search">
     <Param name="description">
         <OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/";>
            <ShortName>Web Search</ShortName>
            <Description>Use Example.com to search the Web.</Description>
            <Tags>example web</Tags>
            <Url type="application/rss+xml"

We can with our patch, escape the XML of course like this:

<Param name="action3"><![CDATA[<action title="foo"/>]]></Param>

and the XML will be returned as a string in the gadget meta-data
request, but then we have XML on the client/container page to parse.

Has anyone considered leveraging metadata request to transform
arbitrary XML into corresponding JSON?

Was not implementing feature params just a bug or done specifically
for performance reasons?  MetaData request parsing extremely large
feature contributed XML could increase load on the server, but would
be a clean extensible mechanism for features to extend the
specification within the schema and allow the container to access
those extensions as JSON.


--Andrew Davis

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