I think this issue should be filed to iGoogle support team?

- Henry

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Fabrice Lorenceau
<florenc...@youfoot.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I started using Google Gadgets a few months ago. We initially ran test and
> it worked as advertised. :)
> But a week ago I started having reports that our Gadgets were being cut off.
> It works in Chrome and Safari but in browsers like Firefox 5 and 6 and IE 8
> and 9 the content got cut off.
> However the same browsers work when viewing the Gagdet in iGoogle.
> The feature I am trying to use is : Adjusting Height
> Dynamically<http://code.google.com/apis/gadgets/docs/ui.html#Dyn_Height>
> The gadgets we built are built and hosted using Google Gadget
> Editor<http://code.google.com/apis/gadgets/docs/tools.html#GGE>
> .
> Bug example in an external website:
> http://gadget-api.weebly.com/
> You can also try this in iGoogle (where it works for all browsers...
> although the height that is returned is too big when using Webkit browsers)
> http://www.google.com/ig/directory?dpos=top&root=/ig&url=hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/116295437606316835139/Yahootest.xml
>  Code used in the above demo:
> https://picasaweb.google.com/117257791425777865999/CodeSnippet#5645207035323380322
> You can get the code here:
> http://gg-testing.googlecode.com/svn/yahootest.xml
> *Work arounds:
> *
> I also tried all tips I could find in forum such as :
> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Gadgets-API/browse_thread/thread/c3aee03c1ef98096)
> and placing the function adjust height outside the
> _IG_RegisterOnloadHandler(function(),
> or trying with _IG_AdjustIFrameHeight
> I got so frustrated, I purchased also bought the Programming Social Apps
> book by Jonathan Leblanc which of course recommends using the Adjusting
> Height Dynamically feature. In his opinion "The feature should be available
> when running inside any OpenSocial container, regardless of whether the
> content being loaded has a Shindig / OS backbone."After some digging around
> he added: " It appears that the issue has to do with the dynamic-height
> JavaScript that Google is using for its offsite gadgets. This appears to be
> a Google specific issue and not something spec based as the iGoogle
> container works".
> I also tried excellent tips for making iframes communicate:
> http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-postmessage/examples/iframe/ but
> these don't seem to work inside a Gagdet Container which are kind of a black
> box... So I am having trouble finding why I can't get any work around
> solution!
>  Debugging:
> When I try testing the Gadget on iGoogle with Gadget Checker (
> http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=www.gstatic.com/ig/modules/codechecker/codechecker.xml&source=imag
> )
> I get the following error:
> WARNINGUnused features
> The gadget doesn't appear to use the dynamic-height feature, although it
> requests it.
> Recommendation:
> Consider removing this line, so your gadget doesn't contain unnecessary
> javascript.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
> Fabrice Lorenceau

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