On 25 October 2011 22:50, Ryan J Baxter <rjbax...@us.ibm.com> wrote: > Hello, > > I would like to propose that Jesse Ciancetta be granted committer access > to Shindig along with PMC membership. I have reached out to Jesse > privately and he has accepted the nomination. > > > Jesse has been a strong contributor over the past few months and is always > willing to help others understand the different components of Shindig. He > is also involved in the Apache Rave project which uses Shindig. > > > Vote open for 72 hours. PMC votes are binding but all votes are welcome! > > [ ] +1 approve > [ ] +0 no opinion > [ ] -1 Do not approve > > +1 (non-binding)
Jasha Joachimsthal Europe - Amsterdam - Oosteinde 11, 1017 WT Amsterdam - +31(0)20 522 4466 US - Boston - 1 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142 - +1 877 414 4776 (toll free) www.onehippo.com