Greetings everyone...

I've got a question or two on loading and rendering a
template programmatically.
I'm trying out this app ( in the vanilla
common container in shindig.

In the app, I've got a custom template library.
<Require feature="opensocial-templates">
<Param name="requireLibrary"></Param>

In this file, I declare a simple template:
 <Template tag="jve1:Name">
    <jve:If condition="${!My.person.profileUrl}">
    <a href="${My.person.profileUrl}"

What I'd like to do is use renderInto to put this into a div. To do this, I
need to get the template, and this is where the problem comes in.
opensocial.template.getTemplate("jve1:Name") always returns undefined. I
stepped through the XmlTemplateLibrary class and it looks like the library
is being loaded properly.

I also break in the browser and the opensocial.template has an nsmap that
looks like the template libraries are there.

So is there something that I'm doing wrong?

Thanks a bunch!!

-Mark W.

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