Not a problem.

mid is for the moduleId.  (maybe it wasn't always so... but for 
consistency sake it probably should remain so)
IIRC, Prefs.getModuleId returns the value in the ifr url 'mid' param.

Your GET_PREFERENCES/SET_PREFERENCES impl should be getting the siteid, 
which it can look up a gadget site with.
You can then determine the moduleId (which should be 0 for now).

I agree, if the rpc requests do not pass the gadget's token along, they 
probably should now.  Most people will be wanting to key things off of the 
moduleId rather than the siteId.  The moduleId is baked in the token and 
not something one could spoof with firebug.

From:   daviesd <>
To:     <>, 
Date:   01/23/2012 01:34 PM
Subject:        Re: getModuleId

In pref.js shindig was setting the Prefs moduleId to the "mid" parameter.
Perhaps something is different here now.  So for whatever reason that use 
return me whatever I had as my siteId and now it doesn't.

At any rate, this is a TEST gadget that is probably trying to access
something it shouldn't.  When the userprefs are stored they are stored 
the siteId granted by our container implementation (the container 
SET_PREFERENCES and GET_PREFERENCES handlers).  I think I opened up this
ticket because of that.

It would really be nice if the rpc requests used the gadget security token
(that would hopefully have the moduleId set now that you've implemented

So in my test gadget I don't know what the siteId is.  For some reason I 
calling Prefs().getModuleId (I think this thread suggests that).

Is there another way for a gadget to know this?  I realize implementing
moduleId would probably give me this (although a gadget doesn't really 
what's in it's security token, but it can certainly pass it along to api

Sorry if I'm muddying the waters.  I should have been more active in your
moduleId discussion.


On 1/23/12 12:57 PM, "Dan Dumont" <> wrote:

> Hrmm... I don't recall moduleId ever being anything other than 0.
> The discussions have focused around what a moduleId is (a number that's
> baked into the security token, primarily used to identify saved 
> of a gadget) and what a siteId is ( a string value that's used in or as 
> id attribute of a DOM element in the container ).  The recent patches
> created a way to generate, save, and track moduleIds on the server, 
> you choose to implement the bits, otherwise they return 0 as they always
> have.
> I'm curious how you got numbers other than 0.  Especially for the 
> token, moduleId was always 0 in shindig.
> From:   daviesd <>
> To:     shindig <>,
> Date:   01/23/2012 12:51 PM
> Subject:        getModuleId
> I have a gadget that was using
> var moduleId = new gadgets.Prefs().getModuleId();
> To get the current moduleId (siteId) of the gadget so that it could
> retrieve
> userprefs
> osapi.userprefs.get( { siteId : moduleId } )
> This is now return 0 instead of the id I have for the element the gadget
> was
> rendered into.
> I haven¹t kept up with the whole moduleId/siteId patch that is going on,
> but
> perhaps something has changed here and is not backwards compatible?
> Any ideas?  It¹s been a while since I¹ve played around with userprefs 
> today was the first I noticed it wasn¹t working.
> doug

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