A couple of thoughts...
In opensocial 2.0 there is a view defined called preferences. I think
adding a new gadget feature that provided a default implementation of this
would be interesting. The way that this could work is that the feature
provides hooks into the gadget menu via the action contributions. The
implementation could look for a view called preferences in the gadget. If
it's not there it could then use its default one.
One other thing that would be interesting is if you implemented this using
opensocial templates. This way you could have some flexibility in teeming
it etc.
What do you think?
Mark w.
On Feb 21, 2012 4:44 PM, "daviesd" <davi...@oclc.org> wrote:

> I¹ve started to implement a User Prefs panel.  I¹m thinking of implementing
> it as a feature.  My problem is I¹m flip flopping between it being a
> container feature v.s. a gadget feature.  There are benefits and drawbacks
> to both.  I kind of like having it as a gadget feature.  It could provide a
> default implementation via a view (let¹s call it userprefspanel).  If the
> user didn¹t want the default then they could just not include the feature,
> but still provide the view.  This requires the container to know the name
> of
> the view so that it can provide navigation chrome to get there.  It also
> requires the gadget to do specific things, which is fine for my 1st party
> gadgets but not 3rd party.  So then I flip back to the container
> implementation.  It would simply provide a generic implementation and the
> chrome implementer would just need to know how to initiate it.  I know the
> Rave guys have done a bit of this and it seems to be completely container
> implemented?  Is anyone actively working on the common container and was
> there future plans to implement it there?  Just looking for some feedback.
> Thanks.
> doug

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