Do you guys think this is a good opportunity to attract new contirbutors?

With effort to align with OS 2.0 and 2.5 specs there could be some
projects that Shindig community could offer

- Henry

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ulrich Stärk <>
Date: Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 9:01 AM
Subject: Google Summer of Code 2012 upcoming

Hello PMCs,

Google Summer of Code is the ideal opportunity for you to attract new
contributors to your projects.

If you want to participate with your project you NOW need to

- understand what it means to be a mentor [1]
- propose your project ideas. Just label your issues with gsoc2012 in JIRA and
 they will show up at [2]. See also [1].
- subscribe to (restricted to potential
mentors, meant to be used
 as a private list - general discussions on the public list as much as possible please)

The ASF will apply as a participating organization with GSoC, your project
doesn't need to do that. See [3] for more information. Note that the ASF isn't
accepted yet, nevertheless you *really* should start recording your ideas now.

Last year we had 38 students completing GSoC successfully, some of which are
now active contributors to the projects they worked on. Let's make this a
success again this year!

On behalf of the GSoC 2012 admins,



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