Thanks Stanton -- more comments inline.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Stanton Sievers []
>Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 1:19 PM
>Subject: Re: Shindig HttpFetcher
>Hi Jesse,
>I'm looking at BasicHttpFetcher and it seems like someone had this idea
>(or something similar) in mind when implementing it.  There's logic in the
>fetch method to check for slow responses and call a protected
>slowResponseWarning method that currently only logs a warning if a
>response took too long.  The comments on slowResponseWarning seem to
>suggest overriding it "if you want to do something other than logging a
>warning".  From an implementation standpoint, you could keep track of slow
>responses via this method and then override the fetch method to check if
>the incoming request has been flagged as slow before calling super.fetch.
>This still doesn't answer your question about how to best figure out what
>apps are slow when using a reverse proxy, 

Right -- that's the piece that I'm not sure how best to handle...  I appreciate 
your response though!

> but I think that's an issue that
>doesn't need to be solved in Shindig.  It's pretty much implementation
>specific at that point.

I was thinking if we could come up with a generic enough solution it might be 
useful for many/most implementers.  If we come up with something generic enough 
I'll put a review out and we can decide if it's useful/generic enough for 
shindig core.

>I don't think I really answered your question, but figured I would throw
>in my 2 cents anyways. :)
>From:   "Ciancetta, Jesse E." <>
>To:     "" <>,
>Date:   04/25/2012 07:44
>Subject:        Shindig HttpFetcher
>Hi All,
>We're running into an issue with our HttpFetcher implementation where slow
>responses to outgoing HTTP requests are crashing our shindig server. Every
>once in a great while one of the services our gadgets call on for data
>will have some kind of issue and start returning really slowly which
>causes a backup of requests in the fetcher to the point that shindig
>starts to become unresponsive.
>So we're basically looking to implement some kind of dynamic throttling in
>our fetcher where we can detect that some service is having a problem and
>throttle down requests to that service until its response times return
>back to normal.  However, one detail that makes our case a little trickier
>that normal (or maybe not depending on how common this practice is) is
>that we mask many different services behind a single host using a reverse
>proxy -- so all of these URL's on the same host may actually be hitting
>different servers on the backend:
>That makes truly dynamic throttling kind of tricky since the paths can
>vary arbitrarily -- so for example if this app was the one that was slow:
>we want to throttle down requests to just that one app but let the others
>continue through.
>One other detail -- some of the apps behind our reverse proxy are legacy
>apps which are obnoxiously slow so we have to set the timeout on our
>fetcher to an obnoxiously high value to accommodate those legacy services
>which makes this problem just that much worse...
>The only solution I've come up with so far is to define some sort of
>regular expressions or something that we can use to figure out what app a
>given URL belongs to and then using that we can see that app-2 is slow and
>start throttling requests to it -- but that's a very manual/specific
>solution to the problem and we were hoping to come up with something
>generic that we could push back into shindig core.
>Has anyone else has faced similar issues and/or have any suggestions on
>how to go about handling this?

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