Ya, I went back and tested on beta1 and it doesn't work there either, so
perhaps I won't worry about it.

On 6/25/12 3:23 PM, "daviesd" <davi...@oclc.org> wrote:

> Ya, it's complaining about the %up_uid% parameter.
> http://feeds.tarot.com/f/ws/dh/igoogledh/locale/en/timezone/-4/uid/%up_uid%?pa
> rtner=igoogle&key=a9a51c94bbb165f9&type=xml&time=1340651940753
> Is common container have an implementation of userprefs?  Perhaps this never
> worked.
> Doug
> On 6/25/12 2:47 PM, "Dan Dumont" <ddum...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
>> Are you able to set a debug point in the makeRequest servlet to see where
>> the exception is being thrown?  Do you get any server stack traces?
>> From:   daviesd <davi...@oclc.org>
>> To:     shindig <dev@shindig.apache.org>,
>> Date:   06/25/2012 02:37 PM
>> Subject:        Horoscope gadget and the common container
>> I noticed that the horoscope gadget is not working in the common container
>> anymore.  I see the following error in the javascript console.
>> "NetworkError: 400 Invalid url parameter -
>> http://localhost:8080/gadgets/makeRequest?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.tarot.com%2Fa
>> pi%2Fastrosync%2Ftimezone%2F-4%2Fdate%2F2012-06-25%2Ftime%2F1421%2Ftype%2Fxm
>> l%3Fpartner%3Digoogle%26key%3Da9a51c94bbb165f9%26uid%3D%25up_uid%25&httpMeth
>> od=GET&headers=&postData=&authz=&st=&contentType=DOM&numEntries=3&getSummari
>> es=false&signOwner=true&signViewer=true&gadget=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2
>> Fig%2Fmodules%2Fhoroscope.xml&container=default&bypassSpecCache=1&getFullHea
>> ders=false&refresh=1"
>> Is this potentially because opensocial-0.8 and older apis have been
>> deprecated?  I can¹t remember if this gadget was suppose to work anyway
>> since I¹m not sure the commoncontainer implements userprefs.
>> The reason I ask is because in our container (using shindig trunk
>> artifacts)
>> it does work.  We¹ve implemented userprefs.  However, it only works in
>> non-webkit browsers (firefox).  It blows up on the server-side when called
>> from Safari/Chrome.
>> org.apache.shindig.auth.SecurityTokenException: Invalid security token
>> null
>>     at 
>> org.apache.shindig.auth.BlobCrypterSecurityTokenCodec.createToken(BlobCrypte
>> rSecurityTokenCodec.java:140)
>>     at 
>> org.oclc.platform.opensocial.core.auth.PlatformDefaultSecurityTokenCodec.cre
>> ateToken(PlatformDefaultSecurityTokenCodec.java:54)
>>     at 
>> org.apache.shindig.auth.UrlParameterAuthenticationHandler.getSecurityTokenFr
>> omRequest(UrlParameterAuthenticationHandler.java:63)
>>     at 
>> org.apache.shindig.auth.AuthenticationServletFilter.doFilter(AuthenticationS
>> ervletFilter.java:92)
>> I¹d like to test this from common container without my implementations
>> interfering, but as I said it just doesn¹t render there.
>> Doug

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