Wow!  I didn't know about this.  Thanks for the info.  Yes, this might just
work.  I'll let ya know.


On 9/4/12 10:42 AM, "Stanton Sievers" <> wrote:

> Hi Doug,
> Does the Modules.override functionality in guice help at all?  I'm
> wondering if you can override the DefaulyGuiceModule with a module that
> does you binding.
> -Stanton
>  On Sep 4, 2012 9:47 AM, "daviesd" <> wrote:
>> If I wanted to implement my own Authority implementation (replacing
>> BasicAuthority) it appears that I would have to completely override the
>> DefaultGuiceModule and just change one line to bind to my implementation.
>> However, this means every time I upgrade artifacts I have to make sure the
>> default implementation hasn¹t changed (new bindings, deleted bindings,
>> renamed, etc.).  Is this the intended behavior or am I missing something?
>> We currently do this with the social apis, but of course those are split
>> out
>> into their own guice module and meant to be overriden.  If I could at least
>> extend DefaultGuiceModule and have it call my additional configuration
>> that¹d be great, but I don¹t think you can unbind with guice (that I¹ve
>> found).  Ideas?
>> Doug

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