Here's what we do.

    container.rpcRegister("requestNavigateTo", function
requestNavigateTo(rpcArgs, view, params) {

        var site = rpcArgs[osapi.container.GadgetSite.RPC_ARG_KEY],
            url = site.getActiveSiteHolder().getUrl(),
            renderParams = {};

        renderParams[osapi.container.RenderParam.VIEW] = view;
        container.navigateGadget( site, url, params, renderParams );

Does that help?


On 10/2/12 12:54 PM, "" <> wrote:

> I am trying to create a custom container based on Shindig and am a bit
> confused on the relationship between a gadget calling 'requestNavigateTo'
> and the container function 'navigateGadget'.
> I am trying to implement the rpc callback for requestNavigateTo as Shindig
> does not, and the only way I can find to render the gadget with a specific
> view is a call to Container.navigateGadget.  The disconnect I have is that
> navigateGadget requires an url for the gadget to render but
> requestNavigateTo does not pass the url of the calling gadget.  Is it
> intentional that the data passed to the rpc call from requestNavigateTo
> does not include the calling Gadget's url, or am I missing the reference
> somewhere in an object somewhere?  Is there a different function in the
> container that I can call to render the view that uses the current url of
> a gadget site?
> Thank you,
> Brian Bauman
>      IBM Software Group - Austin, TX
>      Live Text Dev and Lotus Expeditor Release Engineer
>      (512) 286-5271 (T/L 363-5271)

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