+1 from me.

Thanks for writing up the report Paul

- Henry

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 8:47 AM, Paul Lindner <lind...@inuus.com> wrote:

> Here's what I have.  Anything to add?
> Attachment AI: Report from the Apache Shindig Project  [Paul Lindner]
> Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
> both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
> Incubator in January 2010.
> The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.
> Mailing list traffic and contributions are about the same as last
> quarter.  Shindig is a mature project.
> Shindig participated in two events at OSCON
> - Social & Widgets pre-conference session
> - Shindig & Rave Meetup
> No new PMC members or committers were approved.
> * 2.5.0 beta-3 released August, 2012
> * 2.5.0 beta-4 released September, 2012
> * 2.4.0 beta-5 released October, 2012
> * Work continues on a finalized 2.5.0 version.
> * The http://shindig.apache.org website moved to CMS.
> * Official Shindig jenkins builds now use Apache Infrastructure.
> --
> Paul Lindner -- lind...@inuus.com -- profiles.google.com/pmlindner

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