Hi Martin,

I tried your module prefs <ModulePrefs title="persönliches Menü"> in


        <ModulePrefs title="persönliches Menü">
                <Require feature="opensocial-0.9"/>
                <Require feature="osapi"/>
                <Require feature="dynamic-height"/>

It renders well in Shindig test page:

Are you using the latest build of Shindig?

Best Regards

Marshall Shi

From:   Martin Höller <mar...@xss.co.at>
To:     dev@shindig.apache.org,
Date:   2013/01/25 20:47
Subject:        special characters in gadget specification


Whenever I use special characters (umlauts) in gadget specifications,
shindig gives me this:

WARNING [AbstractSpecFactory] Beim Aktualisieren von ist ein Fehler
aufgetreten. Es wird stattdessen eine zwischengespeicherte Version

Which means an error occurred on loading specification, a cached version
will be used.

This error comes from AbstractSpecFactory line 234. The exception (that
is not shown in the logs btw.) is this:

  The entity "ouml" was referenced, but not declared.

The reason for the error seems to be the use of an umlaut ("ö" and "ü")
in the title of the gadget:

  <ModulePrefs title="persönliches Menü">

Using "&uuml;", "&#252;" or "&amp;uuml;" doesn't bring me any further.

I couldn't find anything useful searching the net, so my question is: is
this a restriction of the specification or a bug in shindig (or the used
XML parser).

- martin
[附件 "signature.asc" 被 Wei CSDL Shi/China/IBM 删除]

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