If I set renderParams[osapi.container.RenderParam.MODULE_ID] = -1

per http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.shindig.devel/8498

* You can now request that a new moduleId be generated for a gadget when asking 
for a new token by setting it's
moduleId to a negative number and fetching a new token.  The response will come 
back with a moduleId you can
save for persistence.  There is a corresponding new class in Java to override 
if you plan on persisting
moduleIds.  It has 2 methods: validate and generate which are used to verify 
the validity of a moduleId,
viewerId, gadgetUrl combination or to generate (and persist) a new moduleId for 
that combination.

I now see the “generate” method of ModuleIdManager get called.  I have it 
returning 1234L.  However, the response still has moduleId set to 0.




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