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On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Davies,Douglas <davi...@oclc.org> wrote:

> Where ever adding some documentation about module_id would be useful.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SHINDIG/Common+Container ?
> I see discussions about Dan Dumont writing up some documentation for his
> changes, but I don’t see where that was ever done.
> Thanks,
> doug
> On May 5, 2015, at 9:41 AM, Ryan Baxter <rbaxte...@apache.org<mailto:
> rbaxte...@apache.org>> wrote:
> On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 2:29 PM, Davies,Douglas <davi...@oclc.org<mailto:
> davi...@oclc.org>> wrote:
> Hi Stanton,
> Thanks for the feedback.
> Here’s a working (or non-working) example of the problem.  Just drop this
> in your common container directory along-side index.html.
> <html><body onload="init();"><div id="1"></div></body></html>
> <script type="text/javascript"
> src="../../../gadgets/js/container.js?c=1&debug=1&container=default"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript">
>    function init() {
>        var gadgetXml = '
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/445894/gadgets/settitle.xml';
>        var container = new osapi.container.Container({});
>        var gadgetSite = container.newGadgetSite(
> document.getElementById('1') );
>        container.navigateGadget(gadgetSite, gadgetXml, [], {});
>        // log active site immediately (undefined)
>        console.log("activeSiteHolder1=" +
> gadgetSite.getActiveSiteHolder());
>        // log active site 1 second later (now has a value)
>        setTimeout(function() {
>            console.log("activeSiteHolder2=" +
> gadgetSite.getActiveSiteHolder());
>        }, 1000);
>    }
> </script>
> and the output
> "activeSiteHolder1=undefined"
> "activeSiteHolder2=[object Object]"
> Occasionally even activeSiteHolder2 will still be undefined.  A refresh
> usually causes it to have a value.  activeSiteHolder1 always appears to be
> undefined.  This occasionally bites us with our chrome not rendering
> (chrome not shown here) because it’s dependent on finding the gadget
> element.
> Should I reopen or create a new jira?  I can try to look into why it’s
> doing this.  Any suggestions are welcome.  I tried to wait for the onRender
> lifecycle callback, and even that didn’t work.
> Also (Ryan included), about my earlier question about updating the wiki
> with my module_id discoveries… how is that commonly done.  Funneled through
> someone?
> Which page do you want to update?
> Thanks,
> doug
> On May 1, 2015, at 9:28 AM, Stanton Sievers <ssiev...@apache.org<mailto:
> ssiev...@apache.org><mailto:
> ssiev...@apache.org<mailto:ssiev...@apache.org>>> wrote:
> This seems vaguely familiar but I can't pinpoint a JIRA ticket for the
> exact issue.  I did find [1] which I encountered a year ago or so.
> What version of Shindig are you using?  At what point in the gadget
> lifecycle are you trying to get the active holder?
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SHINDIG-1965
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 11:39 AM, Davies,Douglas <davi...@oclc.org<mailto:
> davi...@oclc.org><mailto:
> davi...@oclc.org<mailto:davi...@oclc.org>>> wrote:
> Has anyone had any inconsistencies with gadgetSite.getActiveSiteHolder()
> not being initialized immediately after container.navigateGadget?  I use
> this to add chrome to my gadget.  Sometimes this fails because the active
> site holder isn’t set yet.  If I delay for a second (or add an alert) then
> it’s set.  I even tried adding an onRender lifecycle callback, with the
> same result (I figured if I was getting the callback rendering should be
> done).  It appears that it’s either suppose to return loadingGadgetHolder
> or currentGadgetHolder.
> Ideas?
> doug

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