
I am glad it worked out.

> On Feb 8, 2024, at 1:50 PM, Steinar Bang <s...@dod.no> wrote:
>>>>>> Steinar Bang <sb-1rlz5cwd...@public.gmane.org>:
>> I'm using an OSGi Web Whiteboard component
>> https://github.com/steinarb/oldalbum/blob/e8dbf374c6132694f0ad7c0d4026def355d5514e/oldalbum.web.api/src/main/java/no/priv/bang/oldalbum/web/api/OldAlbumWebApiServlet.java#L33
>> that derives from JerseyServlet, which is written by me:
>> https://github.com/steinarb/servlet/blob/9cce8e033e63a23585ddb868e5af5ec2a1ba9be0/servlet/servlet.jersey/src/main/java/no/priv/bang/servlet/jersey/JerseyServlet.java#L48
>> which in turn derives from the Jersey ServletContainer class, and in the
>> init() method adds injected OSGi services to the HK2 dependency
>> injection container, so that they can be injected into JAX-RS resource
>> classes:
>> https://github.com/steinarb/servlet/blob/9cce8e033e63a23585ddb868e5af5ec2a1ba9be0/servlet/servlet.jersey/src/main/java/no/priv/bang/servlet/jersey/JerseyServlet.java#L85
>> I have written this myself and figured I had a pretty good handle on how
>> stuff is handled, but the JAX-RS Application and the
>> Application.getClasses() methods are new to me.
> Ok, I've got it working by adding the following method to 
> OldAlbumWebApiServlet:
>   @Override
>   protected void init(WebConfig webConfig) throws ServletException {
>       super.init(webConfig);
>       var copyOfExistingConfig = new ResourceConfig(getConfiguration());
>       copyOfExistingConfig.register(ShiroFeature.class);
>       reload(copyOfExistingConfig);
>   }
> The org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig class extends the
> javax.ws.rs.core.Application class.
> After this I got 401 from the Rest API endpoint after clearing cookies,
> and 200 OK when logged in.
> I'll summarize with a new post on the 2 year old thread "Shiro: possible
> to configure part of the unauthenticated URLs to return 401 instead
> 302?" when I've finished.

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