Major / Minor discussions are always fun.
My personal preference would be to try to label it a 2.1 (but given the
package name differences javax/jakarta that _might_ not be possible)

Maybe we could default to the jakarta versions and move the classifier
version to javax, in a 2.1?

Or maybe create some _top level_ convenience packages that wrap the
complexities includes/excludes/bom? e.g. shiro-web-jakarta (or
This removes some of the dependency resolution issues when dealing with
classifiers. Though, it's not a great long term solution, it may cause
confusion when we drop that artifact later on. (and it prevents automated
tools, like dependabot from notifying users of newer versions.)

Or... rip the band-aid off and just support Jakarta moving forward.

On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 9:17 AM Francois Papon <>

> Hi,
> As we released the Shiro 2.0.0 major version, we have more and more
> users that are trying to migrate and have some jakarta issues.
> I think it would be nice if we create a new version 2.1.x or 3.x with no
> jakarta classifiers and having jakarta import package in the source code.
> Thoughts?
> regards,
> François

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