
Since Shiro 2.0-alpha and 2.0 Final has been released, most, if not all 
questions we have been getting are about Jakarta EE integration.
Mostly regarding shaded artifacts and their usage, i.e. jakarta.* namespace.
These and other discussion warrant a few question worth discussing.
Please keep in mind by the time Shiro 3.x is released, it could be 2025 or 

1) How long should Shiro 1.x be maintained?
Not at all? 6 months? 1 year? 2 years? Other?

2) Should Shiro 3 support javax.* namespace via shading at all?
Not at all (drop support?) As shaded artifact? As different version 

3) Should Shiro 3 support SpringBoot 2.x or drop support for SB 2.x at all 
(requires dropping support for javax namespace)

4) What’s the minimum Java version?
Keep it at 11? Switch to 17 (both SpringBoot 3.x and Jakarta EE 11 require 
17+)? Switch to 17? Switch to 21 as minimum version?

Any other issues?

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