Dear team,

Since SINGA is going to graduate soon from the incubator, I propose to use
some tools to ensure high code quality. These tools check for known
problems in the code and provide a detailed report for fixing them. May be
some code came from scientific experimental projects. We need to improve
this code according to industry standards, so it can be used with more real
life projects.

1. I propose to add the code quality tools (cpplint[1], pylint[2] and
lgtm[3]) to SINGA contribution guideline[4], so that each developer is
encouraged to install and run code quality checks in his local repo and fix
any problems before creating a pull request.

1.A CPP Lint: running cpplint in the src directory shows 822 errors, while
running in the include directory shows 708 errors. The guidelines [4] has
an outdated information that instructs developers to use an old
non-existing file tool/

1.B Python Lint: running pylint in python/singa shows 5.00/10 rating, while
running in python/rafiki shows 0.00/10 rating.

1.C LGTM :There is a Jira ticket for adding LGTM badges to the README[5],
so the quality of the code becomes more clear to everyone. LGTM pull
request automation can't be enabled in Apache repo due to infra
restrictions[6], but it works on personal forks of the project. Currently
LGTM rates both C++ and Python code in SINGA as grade D.

2. I propose also to give the code quality higher priority in the next
release since it is probably going to be the first release after
graduation. The team is invited to fix as much as possible from the current
code issues and to use tools that check their new code before pushing it to
SINGA. Let's try to make the lgtm grade and lint rating as high as possible.

Improving code quality is required to attract new users and developers.
Users will trust more the project with better code and developers will be
happy to contribute to it. It will also make the code review process easier
and more productive instead of wasting time in finding and fixing known
code problems.

New developers (or old developers who did not contribute for a while and
would like to warm up) can start working on fixing lgtm and lint issues,
since they are usually easy and there is a clear explanation of the problem
and how to solve it.

What do you think?

p.s. This discussion is the first topic in a series of proposals to improve
SINGA as it will be an Apache top level project soon. The next proposal
will discuss improving the build and test pipeline in a separate thread to
avoid discussing too many things in one thread.

best regards,


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