Just reading the maturity assessment and being glad to see our community
has grown too much.

In the CO40 of Community, we have only one new committer and PMC. Is it
really enough to graduate? I knew that Apache Foundation has never been
requiring the number of new committers, but more than one new guys are
necessary for a top Apache project.

On 2018/09/27 06:18:00, "吴晟 Sheng Wu" <w...@foxmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone, >
> As part of graduation preparation, I just finished the draft of Apache
Maturity Model Assessment for SkyWalking[1]. Welcome anyone to discuss this
draft. If we all agree on this, I want to start discussion about our
> Thanks>
> [1]

> ------------------>
> Sheng Wu>
> Apache SkyWalking>

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