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Yongsheng Peng
Apache SkyWalking & ShardingSphere

> 在 2018年12月16日,00:39,吴晟 Sheng Wu <> 写道:
> Hi, everyone 
> Because this is the first time Gao as our release manager, I do following 
> tests and checks.
> 1. Features test. Tested H2, ElasticSearch, MySQL as storage in my local 
> laptop, running in standalone mode, collect data in Javaagent. Passed
> 2. All artifacts in staging repository are published with .asc, .md5, *sha1 
> files
> 3. Source code and distribution package with .asc, .sha512
> 4. LICENSE and NOTICE are in Source code and distribution package.
> 5. shasum512 is right. 
> 6. Build passed
> 7. Apache RAT check. 
> 8. DISCLAIMER exists
> ------------------
> Sheng Wu
> Apache SkyWalking, ShardingSphere, Zipkin
> Twitter, wusheng1108
> ------------------ Original ------------------
> From:  "吴晟 Sheng Wu"<>;
> Date:  Sat, Dec 15, 2018 10:09 AM
> To:  "dev"<>;
> Subject:  Re:  [ANNOUNCE] SkyWalking 6.0.0-beta test build available
> Thanks Gao. It is good for now.
> Hi, everyone
> You are good to go for testing and give feedback.
> ------------------
> Sheng Wu
> Apache SkyWalking, ShardingSphere, Zipkin
> Twitter, wusheng1108
> ------------------ Original ------------------
> From:  "Hongtao Gao"<>;
> Date:  Sat, Dec 15, 2018 09:35 AM
> To:  "dev"<>;
> Subject:  Re: [ANNOUNCE] SkyWalking 6.0.0-beta test build available
> Yes, you are right. I mistake to run that script in a Linux host. Now I
> regenerate a new source package and removed *.md5 files in svn repository.
> New Release Candidate:
> *
> * sha512 checksums
> - 
> 5d2d8dbc1c8d12c488eed10229b4acb1760cfd144418f2d3561f3222c109dfea183240cae86a6fe84d6a82bba824c6b1b5fd1be8a8b45dc07339c4f11f9bb3c6
> apache-skywalking-apm-incubating-6.0.0-beta-src.tgz
> - c050dd52993ec61de487cd37de6d024862a8e0f32751ccc3fb8faefd87ca
> 0a9bc73cdf9126d0af4178fecac9750e9348e624b658bd49c1af53084961cf056e53
> apache-skywalking-apm-incubating-6.0.0-beta.tar.gz
> - dc5f1397ce9c54b07008c24dacbb56821fe3d3a37071071fde1d5ee622d8
> b015bf305d7d99c14f6a74094cfff7f26c0572b4ba424e3035a86612a272cff3cf96
> 吴晟 Sheng Wu <> 于2018年12月15日周六 上午12:52写道:
>>> Your src release is un-normally 150M, even bigger than the dist tar,
>> which must be wrong. Please follow the document[1] and do it again.
>> My guess is, you run this script in a Linux VM, rather than you Mac. But
>> that is the script for. Maybe, we could provide two scripts for Linux and
>> Mac too. :)
>> Feel free to post an issue to track this.
>> ------------------
>> Sheng Wu
>> Apache SkyWalking, ShardingSphere, Zipkin
>> Twitter, wusheng1108
>> ------------------ Original ------------------
>> From:  "吴晟 Sheng Wu"<>;
>> Date:  Sat, Dec 15, 2018 00:46 AM
>> To:  "dev"<>;
>> Subject:  Re: [ANNOUNCE] SkyWalking 6.0.0-beta test build available
>> Hi Hongtao
>> I just some helps for this release
>>> Remove md5 files, don't need and don't recommend.
>> But, there is another thing needs you to deal with, I do a quick check for
>> the release.
>> The source release is not right.
>> Your src release is un-normally 150M, even bigger than the dist tar, which
>> must be wrong. Please follow the document[1] and do it again.
>> Although I can't build an official release, I do a test, based on the
>> `` result, the src tar is just 1.5M, which is what
>> I expected.
>> Please fix this so soon as possible, then we could do feature tests and
>> before-vote sign check.
>> Thanks.
>> [1]
>> ------------------
>> Sheng Wu
>> Apache SkyWalking, ShardingSphere, Zipkin
>> Twitter, wusheng1108
>> ------------------ Original ------------------
>> From:  "Hongtao Gao"<>;
>> Date:  Fri, Dec 14, 2018 08:03 PM
>> To:  "dev"<>;
>> Subject:  [ANNOUNCE] SkyWalking 6.0.0-beta test build available
>> Hi everyone
>> The test build of 6.0.0-beta is available.
>> This is our Apache Incubator release.
>> We welcome any comments you may have, and will take all feedback into
>> account if a quality vote is called for this build.
>> Major changes are
>> Support MySQL as a new storage layer. Some fatal bugs of 6.0.0-alpha are
>> fixed.
>> Release notes:
>> *
>> Release Candidate:
>> *
>> * sha512 checksums
>> -
>> 5d2d8dbc1c8d12c488eed10229b4acb1760cfd144418f2d3561f3222c109dfea183240cae86a6fe84d6a82bba824c6b1b5fd1be8a8b45dc07339c4f11f9bb3c6
>> apache-skywalking-apm-incubating-6.0.0-beta-src.tgz
>> -
>> c050dd52993ec61de487cd37de6d024862a8e0f32751ccc3fb8faefd87ca0a9bc73cdf9126d0af4178fecac9750e9348e624b658bd49c1af53084961cf056e53
>> apache-skywalking-apm-incubating-6.0.0-beta.tar.gz
>> -
>> dc5f1397ce9c54b07008c24dacbb56821fe3d3a37071071fde1d5ee622d8b015bf305d7d99c14f6a74094cfff7f26c0572b4ba424e3035a86612a272cff3cf96
>> Maven 2 staging repository:
>> *
>> Release Tag :
>> * (Git Tag)
>> <>beta
>> Release CommitID :
>> *
>> * Git submodule
>>   * skywalking-ui:
>>   * apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/proto:
>>   *
>> oap-server/server-query-plugin/query-graphql-plugin/src/main/resources/query-protocol:
>> Keys to verify the Release Candidate :
>> *
>> corresponding
>> Guide to build the release from source :
>> *
>> A vote regarding the quality of this test build will be initiated
>> within the next couple of days.
>> --
>> Gao Hongtao
>> Apache SkyWalking & ShardingSphere
> -- 
> Gao Hongtao
> Apache SkyWalking & ShardingSphere

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