
 Juan Pan (Trista) 
Senior DBA & PPMC of Apache ShardingSphere(Incubating)

On 01/17/2020 10:02,Sheng Wu<> wrote:
Hi all dev community

We have been a Top Level Project in the Apache Software Foundation for
about 8-9 months, we progress a lot, with 150+ open users, 12k+ stars and
widely used in the enterprises, especially big ones.
The more exciting thing is, we are reaching the 200 contributors soon, now,
we have 199 for the single main repo.
It is a super good sign that we have an active dev community around the

Thanks all for being a part of this community. Happy Chinese New Year, and
having a good vacation for many of you. Looking forward we make a greater
journey next Chinese year and our new 2020.

Good luck, SkyWalker(s).

Sheng Wu 吴晟
Twitter, wusheng1108

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